Saturday, March 26, 2011

The rhythm of ... a military life!

I just found these writings in an old note book. I thought I'd pop them here. That way I can a) declutter the note book (see previous post) and b) refresh my mind and reassure my soul that I have done this before.. survived and will do so again!
This writing was made just after we had left Germany. We had spent a short year in Germany, had moved to Alabama for ten  months, we would then move to Idaho for two years (of which my husband would deploy for four) we would then head to VA and a few years later.. to SC.. where we are waiting to move to OK in a few short weeks. My daughter is 9, Oklahoma will be her 7th house!

July 2003 Hail and Farewell

Today as I push the kart around the commissary I feel as though I have stepped back in time. Standing at the check out counter with a basket containing a small dishwashig soap, small laundry soap, another salt and pepper shaker,a jar of peanut butter which seems WAY TOO BIG! and the ever faithful bunch of bananas I'm feeling like I'm have de ja veux all over again!

Nothing so extraordinary about my purchases except that I have purchased the same items a short year ago as I arrived in Germany.. we are in TLF..again.. in a weeks time I will buy the exact same items for the TLF in Alabama, ten months after again in a place to be announced.

It did just strike me, as I waited in line to pay, that these few items could (and maybe should) come as standard issue when you arrive at a new station.  But for now I have been hailed and farewelled from Germany entering and exiting the commissary 15 items or less check out line!
As I read this I remembered entering the base here and heading straight for the essential supplies at the commissary here. We had stopped at IHOP for pancakes and coffee (for me) chocolate milk as a special treat for the children. It had been a long car ride and we were all a little weary, Steve was at a scout camp with Jacob and the girls, B and I were heading to set up camp ahead of their arrival.

We enter the commissary, C says.. "my tummy hurts" and before I can do anything, she deposits the entire breakfast and carton of chocolate milk right in the reception area of the commissary.. (infront of the sushi bar to be exact!)  Ummmm CLEAN UP on aisle 1!

The big sisters take her to the bathroom to clean up, I rush round to get the mandatory list (see above) and they meet me by the peanut butter with the baby dressed in a huge T shirt and leggings from a big kid (tied at the corner with a hair band!). I shall never forget THAT experience!!!!

Choosing to bring these items along with us this time and for going the chocolate milk!

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