Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Camping: First time this year

Steve and our oldest son had a Scout event this weekend so the girls, Benjamin and I decided we would venture forth too. We packed everything... well almost everything.. up and headed out to a camp ground about an hour away called Wateree. It is managed by the base and is a GREAT place to escape to.

After battleing with the tent for a few minutes we manged to work out which way was up and front and got it standing and secured.. no small feat considering the gusts of wind that we fought against and the help we got from Miss C the 4 year old!

We should have realised it was going to be an interesting night when the temperatures started dropping.. FAST! Benjamin had a fabulous fire going though and we all huddled close. Way too many s'mores and a really great (though I say so my self and shouldn't) dutch oven stew and we were ready to dive into our tent and sleeping bags. We'd warm up once we got under the covers...

As the temperatuers dropped and the teeth started to chatter we realised we would have to huddle to keep warm. I could have packed up and gone home..except the van's battery died as soon as we got the camp site and I wasn't going to disturb anyone trying to get a jump start at midnight! In the end we survived the night with no lasting damage and rose to a misty morning that promised to turn into a beautiful day.

For the record.. night time temps dropped to 29 degrees Fahrenheit!

We are polar bears!..we survived to tell the tale.. and see this sureal sight in the morning...

The sun came out..and by late morning the children were paddling..then wadding in the water!!!!

....we want to go again but will wait until it has warmed up a little can only have SO much of a good thing!


  1. Feel free to leave a comment requesting less duck pictures next time we go camping!

  2. I recognize the site,but ooooh looks a bit colder than I remember. Brave souls, you all.
