Saturday, March 31, 2012

Closer and still closer..

What a roller coaster of a week it has been!

Thursday we heard that our dossier had been submitted to the Embassy, we all rejoiced. The kids and I went to the thrift store and started to buy up 18 month to 3 T clothing :0)
Steve was in Ohio at a conference and celebrated with the senior leadership of our base there :0)

Friday we got another message saying that the dossier had been taken to the wrong the consulate instead of immigration. While we wold have been fine with our dossier being at the consulate because they are the folks who issue visa's..we had to back track and go through the final immigration step. A bit of a deflation.. but a short delay.

Then later Friday we heard that or adoption worker in Haiti had managed to talk to the USCIS office. They confirmed that all our investigative process is finished. That we are approved to move to consulate BUT that the person who can sign off on our dossier wouldn't be there until Monday. So our dossier will be going for a USCIS and consulate tour on Monday. Back up on a high :0)

We hope that we will then hear that we have a VISA appointment date and three days after that date we will plan on traveling out to bring our boys home.

So Monday we are praying that our friend in Haiti is able to have fair travel and safe passage and favour with authorities so he can get our dossier where it needs to be. He works with 40- 50 families and each step of each dossier is grueling. He has to physically go to each government office, wait to be seen, be redirected to the person who can help him, ask the right questions in the right way to get an answer or to collect a dossier and move it on. Often times things get lost in the process and he and the office team have to work on finding or replacing those items. I have been with him on one of these trips and seen first hand how hard it is to get an answer. The offices are hot and the wait seems so long.

Sooooooo closer and still closer.....

and so worth it!

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