Thursday, May 12, 2011

And we're off!

The farewell party and the change of command went smoothly. Lot's of laughter and fun times. Pizza in the park last night, watching our children play together one last time was bitter sweet. I have to keep reminding myself of the Busch's and the King's and how we have been blessed beyond measure in each location with good friends we are still in touch with... however it was hard to see them saying goodbye last night.

I am going to miss my "girl" friends enourmously!! Their friendship, laughter, listening ears, arms of comfort, prayers of hope and example of love has touched me, taught me and made me a better person! Thank-you!!!!

And so on to Oklahoma, storms moving in from the West is forcing us South through Georgia today. What with dodging tornado damaged areas and now flooded plains, it once again makes me respect the pioneers of long ago!

Tonight we will be camping, tomorrow night we will be in a hotel because of the storm line so I'll try to update the blog tomorrow night.


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