The trip to Haiti was uneventful.. we even managed a short cat nap.. and then we landed!
Heading to the terminal we were greeted with lively music and broad smiles...
and we pass through immigration and into the chaos....
trying to keep track of all our bags and children, while communicating in English and Creole to multiple porters, while looking for a driver from the Guest house and not giving all your money to said multiple porters quite the challenge.. adding taking photos or video of the whole experience and it becomes an imposable task.. next time.. we will try to get it on tape next time.. for now just take our word for it.. CRAZY!!!!
But we made it..ran the gauntlet and got packed into the back of a Tap Tap... (truck with bench seats and a cage like structure around you...
weaving through the streets of Port Au Prince I was encouraged to see progress being made even since February.. there is still SO much that still needs to be done, but there seemed to be more people out trading and working. I am always impressed with how neat and tidy the school children look and equally depressed by the poverty and conditions other children continue to survive in.
Soon the city was left behind and we were climbing up into the hills...headed to Bethel Guest House and our sons!
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